Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I'm BACK!!!!!


Well... I'm back from the land of Aloha.. My Papa is continuing his recovery and I am so glad that I was able to spend that time with him. As for my lack of postings.. I can only plead exhaustion. I took the night shift with my Papa and he seemed to have developed an internal alarm clock that woke him at at around 1:30 am and kept him calling me on and off till about 5:30am. Since I have a hard time sleeping when it's daylight I probably averaged about 2-3 hours of sleep a day for a little over three weeks. I did get 95% of my Christmas Card images colored so now I am just left the task of assembling our cards. I've been back for a few days and sufficiently caught up on my sleep so the posting shall resume promptly today!! Hope you all had a productive November.

1 comment:

~amy~ said...

Welcome Back Michelle!!!